Looking for the perfect property?  Let Bricks and Mortar Real Estate help you.

We make searching and applying for our rental properties a breeze and can assist you with every stage from applying for a property, to moving into your new rental home.

Applying for a Rental Property:

The Bricks and Mortar Real Estate team make it very easy and streamline for all tenants to apply for any rental property. To apply for any rental property through our agency, simply locate the listing on the REIWA website and you will find an "Apply Now" button on the right hand side of the listing or "REIApply Now" link under the Ready to Progress section of the ad. Go through the steps and submit your application!   

After you have submitted your application, the Property Manager will begin the process of checking through all the information you have provided before contacting the owner to confirm your acceptance to your new home.

Paying the Rent:

Please ensure that your rental and any relevant utility account payments reach us on or before the due date.  It is your legal requirement to pay your rent on time.  You will be provided our bank account details upon being approved for a rental property.

Tenant Maintenance Request:

Should you have a maintenance issue at your rental property, please email your Property Manager the details with as many details as possible.  Your Property Manager will get back in contact with you.  Please ensure all maintenance is reported as quickly as possible.

After Hours Maintenance Request:

During your tenancy there may be a time when a weekend or after hours emergency occurs.  We wish to advise all tenants that an emergency is defined as something that may harm someone or cause more damage to the property if left unattended.  The legislation is specific about what constitutes an emergency repair and its important that should an issue not be deemed and emergency, you will be responsible for the account. Our Property Managers are only contactable during office hours, you will need to use the following procedure with the following emergency contact list.

For any non urgent maintenance during business hours your first point of contact will be to email your property manager.

Should you happen to lock yourself out of the property, our office keys are not available for tenants use.  It is your responsibility to contact a locksmith to gain access. Should any new keys be issued you must, within 3 working days, provide a copy of such key(s) to our Agency in Canning Vale. If not supplied, we will arrange for a Locksmith to replace any lock(s) and issue new key(s) at your expense.

Routine Inspections:

Routine Inspections will be conducted every 3 months.  The primary role of these inspections is to advise the owner of the condition and care of their property and what, if any, maintenance is required. Photographs may be taken at the property as part of the inspection process. Preparation for the property inspection should not take too long if the property has been cleaned and maintained regularly during your tenancy.

You will be notified two weeks prior to your inspection via email.

End of Tenancy and Leaving the Property:

Please contact your Property Manager to discuss your legal requirements with regards to ending your tenancy as written notice periods are required. Once the correct vacating notice has been received, your Property Manager will contact you via email and advise requirements for handing over vacant possession.  Once this has been undertaken, the final inspection will be completed.

Breaking a Fixed Term Tenancy Agreement - your tenancy is a legally binding contract.  The owner of your property has no legal obligation to release you from your lease agreement.   If the owner consents to your break lease request, the following fees and charges may apply, in addition to the standard moving out costs.

Rent and all other outgoings on the property until a new tenancy has begun.

  • All advertising costs.
  • Rent for the property until a new tenant is found.
  • Any shortfall in the rent amount from a new tenant for the remainder of the lease term.
  • Reimbursement of a percentage of the Letting Fee.
  • Upkeep of the property until relet including maintenance of all lawns and gardens.
  • Water consumption.
  • There may be other costs involved. You Property Manager will discuss this at the time.

 When it is time to vacate at the end of your tenancy, the tenant vacate guide is there to assist you in preparing the property to hand-over to your property Manager at the end of your tenancy.